FIBRA Macquarie




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Nexxus Guadalupe
Avenida La Condesa, Col. Valle Soleado, 1061
Guadalupe, NL 67130
  • 117,328 square-foot building with easy access to the highway to Reynosa and the loop connecting Monterrey with central Mexico
  • 10 miles (16 KM) away from Monterrey’s lnternational Airport
  • Located in Apodaca, Monterrey's most skilled labor force
  • MTY030 is well-suited for both manufacturing and logistics operations requiring large open floor plan
  • Office space to suit
  • Building is EDGE certified, a green building certification system developed by IFC, focusing on improving resource efficiencies
  • Energy features include skylights, and an advanced air-conditioning system with screw-chillers, achieving 30.76% energy savings, 46.32% water savings, and 91.47% less energy embodied in materials.



For Lease
Type: Industrial
Total SF : 117,328
Acres: 9999.99
Year Built: 1998

Leasing Agent

John Colyer
m.  +52 (81) 1880 7324



  Coming Available


  • MTY030 office access
  • MTY030 dock doors in rear facade
  • MTY030 sustainability features include landscaping with low-water consumption plants and endemic species
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